Tag Archives: jami masters dance camp

Week 32 – Round 3

Size of Baby (per “What To Expect”) – Size of a coconut. Approximately 3-4 pounds.

Weight Gain – 23 pounds.  It all depends on the time of day and how much water I am drinking.  I can’t begin to explain how much fluid I intake on any given day.  It may be close to 100 ounces some days.


Movement – As I have mentioned before, the movements continue to be more outward.  I love writing these posts because it forces me to look back on prior pregnancies.  I experienced the same movement patterns with my second daughter.

Sleep – Most nights I sleep about seven hours.  I caught myself a few times this week sitting on the couch and nodding off for five minutes here and there while the girls were resting.  After a few days of erratic behavior from my two year old, I reinstated mandatory rest time.  Between the heat and fatigue from morning camps the girls need some quiet time.

What I miss – Run group!  I have officially dropped running with my Thursday crew until after baby is here.  That didn’t stop us from spraying down some of the runners that come by our house every Monday at 7PM.  It has been hot.  Don’t worry, we asked each person before they hit us if they wanted to be cooled off.

IMG_5415 Best Moments this Week – Activity Overload.  This was the first full week that the girls were signed up for a camp.  They were both too young to do camps together last year, so I spent most of the summer keeping them busy.  With baby number three on the way, I made an effort to research some activities that they actually seemed interested in and could do together.  While I might not be the girliest girl, I did take dance for several years in elementary and middle school.  When I asked the girls if they wanted to attend some sessions at Jami Masters they seemed excited.  I am all for giving my kids the opportunity to try something they are interested in.



I bought a few leotards and some ballet shoes for both of them and we were all set.  The instructions for the camp say wear comfortable clothes, however, upon arriving at the studio, I’m glad they wore the leotards because everyone else was decked out in dance apparel.



They gave the girls the option to attend class together (there were three going on at the same time depending on age).  To my surprise, they both agreed that they wanted to go to their own classes.  The ease of transition from drop off to pick up was seamless.  This was not the case when we started preschool at the beginning of the prior year.  I was so proud of them for adjusting to a new place with new people with no problems.

There is no question that we will sign the girls back up for this camp.  For $125 for the week, they spent 2 hours a day at the studio doing art (they brought a project home every day), practicing tumbling, making a dance routine and watching princess DVDs while they ate a snack.  To wrap things up, they performed as a group to those who wanted to attend and received summer camp shirts, sunglasses and magnets.


While dance camp was incredible, I didn’t get any pictures from my youngest daughter’s first soccer practice because she didn’t participate.  Don’t get me started.  Both girls were able to rally on Saturday morning for an early morning meet and greet with Elmo and friends before Sesame Street Live.


Let’s be real.  We don’t watch Sesame Street often. The girls are bigger fans of princess movies and shows.  That said, the choreography and excitement produced by the show had them literally dancing in their seats.  As I looked around the venue, I couldn’t help but notice that the majority of the individuals attending were dads with young kids.  Several moms had clearly taken the morning off.


While I remember the days when I used to wake up early and workout on Saturday or spend time by myself, I find that I get major FOMO (fear of missing out), when my husband gets to go to fun stuff like this with the girls while I do my own thing.


By noon we were headed out of Bojangles Coliseum and well on our way to the rest of our day.  I did manage to squeeze in a workout before leaving for the event and I also trained a group that afternoon, so the day was definitely not lost.


My mom and dad had the girls over for a sleepover that evening so my husband and I could enjoy a date night and good nights sleep before our next addition arrives.  The girls regularly ask to go to my parents house for sleepovers as they enjoy packing their suitcases and sleeping bags.


My parents had given my husband a gift card to Oak Steakhouse for Father’s Day, so we opted to make reservations at the new restaurant.  I used to work in Charleston, SC regularly (which is where I first went to the steakhouse).  I was interested to see if they could replicate the experience and atmosphere in another city.



We purposely didn’t eat much for lunch, so we could go overboard at dinner.  We enjoyed grilled octopus as an appetizer before ordering our own steaks, two sides and dessert.  While I couldn’t participate in trying the cocktails, they did have a “mocktail” selection and several incredible wines.  The food was off the charts.  We finished with a donut ice cream sandwich and french pressed decaf coffee.


I would say the restaurant is certainly comparable to the Charleston scene.  However, it is almost impossible to replicate the atmosphere.  Maybe they weren’t trying to.  The Charleston restaurant is located in a historic bank building.  While the tables were close together, it wasn’t loud.  I certainly didn’t feel like people were listening to my conversation (as I have felt at places like BLT in Uptown Charlotte).

Looking forward to – My next doctor’s appointment.  At my last visit I scheduled out all of my appointments through forty weeks to insure that I got to see my doctor on specific occasions.  My next visit is a routine check up, but I am hoping to get another ultrasound around full term.


Cravings – I had my fair share of food this week.  I tend to prefer foods with a lot of flavor.

Symptoms – Have y’all seen my belly?  Enough said.

Workouts –  Solid week for sure.  Coming off that cold and sinus infection has really increased my energy levels.  I am still teaching and training my full schedule, however, I have adapted some of my workouts as I round out the last few weeks of pregnancy number three.

  •  Monday – I taught my regularly scheduled 6:30 AM class at Flywheel.
  • Tuesday – Strength workout in the garage.  Ask and I will share!
  • Wednesday –  I went for a run!  Y’all my pace is SLOW.  I have noticed that the more down hill I run, the more pressure I feel on my pelvis.  As such, I have been keeping my runs relatively flat (which has helped tremendously).  I run/walked 3.4 miles at a 12 minute pace.
  • Thursday – I taught my regularly scheduled 3:30PM Flywheel class.  I have to admit, I also rode that morning at 9:45 AM with Meghan.  I had no intention of riding, but I haven’t been in her class in so long that I was excited to just have a good time and not worry about power.  Total number?  258.
  • Friday – Strength workout in the garage.  Ask and I will share!
  • Saturday – Prior to taking the girls to Sesame Street, I woke up early and run/walked for 30 minutes around the neighborhood.  I squeezed in almost three miles before heading inside and taking a quick shower.
  • Sunday – I taught my regularly scheduled 7:30 AM class at Flywheel (my husband even jumped in since my parents were watching the girls).