Tag Archives: trx pregnancy

Workout Refocus – At Home TRX Training

I am over the bad weather forecasts as much as I am the cold weather.  I woke up Tuesday morning to snow falling in Charlotte.  To my surprise school was still on.  Seriously, it seems like businesses look for ways to shut down in the event that flurries start to fall.

photo 1-205I had a busy morning planned.  My daughter goes to half day childcare two days a week.  Moms in the same boat can attest, the four hours that she is gone are crucial “me” time that allows me to get some things that I need to get done.  As I began to reverse out of the driveway, my neighbor called to tell me that school had been canceled last minute.  What?  I don’t know who was more upset – my daughter or me.  Workout out the window, meetings out the window, errands out the window.  Worst of all, I had a crying toddler in the back of my car who thought she was being punished.

photo 2-17How could we make this lousy morning better?  First things first, I had to forget about my plans and unselfishly reconfigure our day.  How could I get a workout in, still get my daughter out of the house and get some much needed rest?  Lunch with dad was a start, but what about my workout?


Who knew my TRX training and equipment would come in handy so soon.  As my daughter went down for a quick nap, I snuck out to our garage to rig up our TRX to complete an efficient and effective total body workout.  My plan was to ride at Flywheel, so I still wanted some intensity to be there (as much as it could be for how pregnant I am).

photo 1-22 There are so many ways to modify each and every TRX exercise, which makes it an incredible tool to have in the confines of you own home.  My workout was simple. Complete 25 reps of the following sequence of exercises two times.  I took my time completing all reps, and I also modified each exercise as I fatigued during my series.

  • TRX Squat – See picture below.  Press butt back on the way down and engage on the way up.  Sink into the squat.  Don’t let the TRX slack at all during the movement.

photo 2-212

  • TRX Step Back Lunge – (25 each leg, see picture below) Again, no slack in the TRX.  Open chest and avoid rounding/leaning forward.

photo 3-176

  • TRX Chest Press – See picture below.  Lower the TRX to as low as it can go.  The stance in my legs is a modification to make this exercise easier.   Straps are in front of your shoulders and do not touch your arms.  To make this more difficult, bring the rear foot forward, bring your feet together or increase the range.

photo 2-211

  • TRX Overhead Back Extension 
  • TRX Mid Row – See picture below.  Set the TRX as short as it can go.  I modified this exercise by decreasing the incline.  You can make this exercise harder again by increasing the incline of your body.  Key is bringing your shoulder blades together as you pull back.

photo 1-206

  • TRX Abductor Lunge – 25 each leg
  • TRX Overhead Squat
  • TRX Bicep Curl – See picture below.  Set the TRX to the middle line.  Complete a simple bicep curl while keeping elbows raised and in line with your shoulders.

photo 4-135

  • TRX Tricep Curl 

Claps to my husband who took these fun pictures as the sun was rising.  There are several exercises that I did not show above.  If you have any questions please let me know.  The key is knowing that you can modify any exercise to make it harder or easier as you complete your entire set of reps.  I can’t tell you how great it is to be able to workout at home effectively while my little one sleeps!  If you don’t have a TRX, you are in luck.  I can offer you a discount through a special ambassador code.  Please feel free to reach out to me for more information! 
